Vinyl flooring is becoming the most popular flooring materials today. It is eco-friendly 100% recyclable. It is durable, waterproof, fireproof, slip resistant, antibacterial and comfort to walk. We can foresee the rapid growth each year.
Japan is a highly developed modern country and the third largest economy in the world. It is a very rich country so the infrastructure construction is very good. Schools, hospitals, healthcare centers are everywhere in Japan. Vinyl flooring as the best commercial flooring, it is widely used in Japan.
Today we will list the 8 best vinyl flooring companies in Japan
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Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1928
Key products: flooring materials, waterproofing, wall materials, film base materials, floor materials for vehicles, linoleum flooring, slip resistant LVT, vinyl sheet flooring, sheet vinyl, SPC, homogeneous vinyl sheet, heterogeneous sheet vinyl, ESD anti-static vinyl flooring, 機能性, 防汚性・トイレ向け, アウトガス対策・クリーンルーム向け, フラット防滑, プールサイド用・遮熱性能, 導電性・静電気対策品, 床暖房対応・湿気対応, 船舶向け, 床材
Found in 1928, Lonseal has been in PVC flooring material manufacturing industry for about a century.
Our core value is to make eco-friendly PVC products and protect our environment. So basically besides to make quality products, we will also need to consider environment at the beginning of our R&D steps.
Our products are not only enable customers with a comfortable living space, but also a safe and green environment to live.
Innovation is our key competence, we will put our efforts on finding the best flooring materials for our customers.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1919
Key products: 床材, カーペット, 壁装材, カーテン, その他・すべて, LVT, vinyl tile, vinyl plank, CVT, SPC, slip resistant vinyl sheet, safety vinyl sheet, homogeneous sheet vinyl flooring, heterogeneous vinyl flooring, ESD anti-static conductive vinyl flooring, LVT TOP, ROYAL WOOD / ROYAL STONE, イークリンNW-EX, ルースレイLL40NW-EX, ルースレイLL50NW-EX, ルースレイマスターNW-EX
, LAYフローリング ピタフィー, LAYフローリング, LHT TOP, タフテックタイル, LCT TOP, VCT TOP, マチコV, HITOE Fine / HITOE Granza, 防滑性ビニル床材 NSシート, NSシート フロアシミュレーション, バスナシリーズ, クッションフロア, マチュアNW / マチュアNW・ルミナス
Toli Co., Ltd., in 1919, gave birth to the first production company in the East Asian company. In the long history, the business area has been expanded to the vinyl chloride floor material, carpet, curtain, and wall material. We believe that our mission is to make our living space more prosperous through the provision of products and services that make various scenes such as houses, offices, shops, hotels, medical and welfare facilities.
Since the start of the foundation, Toli group has focused on quality design, and has been able to make use of the space α We have focused on developing value added products. It is thought that today’s East RI group exists as the foundation of the trust relation with the building and the interior industry, and the user and the user.We will strive for further global efforts to improve global perspectives and to name the world’s top brand manufacturers.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1919
Key products: slip resistant vinyl flooring, vinyl flooring sheet for ramps, apartment stairways, sound reduction and slip resistant stair flooring, flooring for indoor facilities, flooringfor terraces at children’s facilities, super slip resistant vinyl flooring, heavyweight special slip resistant vinyl flooring, homogeneous vinyl sheet, heterogeneous vinyl sheet, 均質ビニル基板床、非均質ビニル基板床、ESD帯電防止ビニル基板
Established in 1919, Takiron Group is working on provide better living to our people and society. And we will continue doing that with our company value: Peace of mind and Comfort.
We are a leading building material and flooring material factories in Japan, and actually also one of the leading manufacturers in the world.
We take responsibility of eco-friendly environment. Actually we will take environment into consideration at the very beginning stage of our produce development.
Sustainability is so important today, we are dare to face the challenges and produce better products in the future.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1919
Key products: LVT, vinyl loose lay flooring, vinyl composition tile, sheet vinyl flooring, anti-bacterial vinyl flooring, anti-slip vinyl flooring, 耐薬品性, 木目柄, 生産施設, 機能床, タイル, シート, カーペットタイル
, 木など, シート/リノリウム, タイル, カーペットタイル, 腰壁保護材/巾木,
Tajima Roofing Co., Ltd. was founded in 1919 by the founder Takenaga Tajima in Mikawashima, Tokyo as a manufacturing and sales company of asphalt waterproofing materials for construction.
In 1950, we started manufacturing and selling asphalt tiles, and in 1953, we released Japan’s first PVC flooring material “P Tile.” We paved the way for the flooring business.
After that, in response to market needs, in addition to asphalt waterproofing, the waterproofing business offered a variety of products such as PVC sheet waterproofing and urethane waterproofing materials, and in the flooring business, vinyl floor sheets and carpet tiles, etc., and each business continued to refine its expertise. As a result, we have developed significantly with our originality as our strength. We have established a system for comprehensive waterproofing materials and flooring materials manufacturers.
In 2015, we built a system to generate further development and synergy in each of the core businesses of building waterproofing, flooring materials, and housing construction materials, and we were able to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our founding in 2019, which is a major milestone.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1951
Key products: Flooring Material, Cushion vinyl flooring (for residences & stores), Hard type vinyl flooring, Slip prevention vinyl flooring
Home Furnishings, Tablecloth, Shower curtains, Do-it-yourself flooring product, Wallpaper, 建築内装材(床材・壁紙等)及びインテリア製品の製造・販売, 住宅用床材, クッションフロア, アルデヒドキャッチ床材, 消臭床材, マンション床材, 店舗・業務用床材, クッションフロア, 重歩行用長尺床材, マンション床材
At the time of our founding, our company mainly produced DIY-related products such as tablecloths and shower curtains, as well as custom-made products such as novelties. This situation changed dramatically in the 1970s. Until then, most Japanese homes had painted walls and tatami mats on the floors. This “Japanese” lifestyle gradually changed to “Western”, the terms “living room”, “dining room” and “kitchen” became common, and PVC products began to be used even in toilets.
And even in condominiums, due to problems such as dust mites and allergies, carpets and flooring have changed to PVC flooring, and commercial spaces such as coffee shops and supermarkets also use PVC flooring, which is durable and stain resistant. became. In other words, we are entering an era in which wallcoverings and flooring materials as vinyl chloride products are transforming Japanese housing and interior culture.
We believe that it is our company’s mission to adapt to these changes in the times and to always meet the needs and expectations of our customers.
We will continue to increase our existence value as a manufacturer of “manufacturing” and as a company that grows together with our customers. Thank you for your patronage.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1849
Key products: カーペット, カーペットタイル, フロア, フロアタイル, ラグ, 店舗用フロア, 住宅用フロア(1.8mm厚), 住宅用フロア(3.5mm厚, ペット用フロア, 遮音フロア, 施設用フロア(単層), 施設用フロア(複層), 浴室向けフロア, 腰壁シート, ノンスキッド(防滑性ビニル床シート), フロテックスシート, ココフロアシート, 巾木, 面材・モール材
The Sangetsu Group history stretches all the way back to 1849. Our company was originally founded near Nagoya Castle as a framing business. Sangetsudo Shoten Co., Ltd. launched in 1953 adapted to the changing times and built an inventory and sales business as a supplier of more than 10,000 different types of wallcoverings, flooring materials, and fabrics. We have valued the Sangetsu brand and expanded business ever since as a fabless company without manufacturing capabilities. As far as I know, Sangetsu was the only company using this revolutionary business model in the industry in Japan at the time. We have always had a passion to better Japanese interiors with a frontier spirit driving us to take on new challenges, which is a founding philosophy that has been passed down through the company to today.
As a “Space Creation Company,” we will aim to become a company praised by our stakeholders that contributes to society by designing value through creative imagination. I would like to ask for your continued support in the future.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1968
Key products: Wallcovering, curtain, floor, carpet, furniture, LVT, SPC, LVP, vinyl flooring, linoleum, vinyl tile flooring, cushioned vinyl sheet flooring, ESD anti-static vinyl flooring, heterogeneous vinyl sheet, commercial vinyl sheet, residential vinyl flooring, 帯電防止性、寸法安定性、不陸発現性、, 抗菌・防カビに加え, 商業施設、公共施設、学校、オフィス、工場、病院など機能を求める空間に最適のラインナップ。,
We will make an effort to be the industry leader in interior.
We have the trustworthy network throughout Japan.
Sincol brand, which has a very high sales and share in the interior industry, is further supported by the existence of group companies nationwide.
From Hokkaido to Okinawa, we connect bases nationwide, share information and know-how with each other, each company demonstrates its own identity, and we respond quickly to the market, and provide careful service to customers.
SINCOL leads the future interior scene using trusted network.
Company type: manufacturer, factory, distributor, wholesaler,
Year found: 1976
Key products: カーペット及びインテリアファブリックの輸入・卸売、内装仕上げ業, vinyl tile, carpet, carpet tile, broadloom carpet, residential vinyl flooring, LVT, luxury vinyl tile, resilient sheet, rugs,ビニール基板,
Since its founding in 1976, the company has been importing and selling mainly US-made carpets for over 45 years. We have many delivery records in Japan.
We have sufficient knowledge and experience in imported carpets, and have received full support from American manufacturers in particular.
We handle more than 10 manufacturers, select products with excellent colors, patterns, and designs, and provide products that meet customer needs.
It is our pleasure to help you propose flooring materials for a wonderful new space, and to be able to impress the completed space together with our customers.
It can be used in many places such as hotels, shops, private residences, apartments, offices, movie theaters, schools, weddings, hospitals, and residences.
If you are buying a big quantity, or you need vinyl flooring for commercial projects; you can also buy the vinyl flooring from China.
As most of the companies are import vinyl flooring from China, you can save cost if you are buying directly from China.
Top 10 Vinyl Flooring Manufacturers in China
Among which, Longda flooring is the largest vinyl sheet flooring manufacturer from China.
Main products included:
Homogeneous vinyl sheet flooring
Heterogeneous vinyl sheet flooring
Woven vinyl flooring
SPC, LVT, LVP, sports vinyl flooring
It is the perfect suppliers for your commercial flooring needs such as: school, hospital, healthcare, lab, library, transportation stations, workshop, clean room etc.
Copy right by Longda China